Friday, November 28, 2008

Some Success in Utah

One of Bush's parting moves was to open hundreds of thousands of acres of land in Utah to mining and drilling, most of it very close to the canyonlands and the Green River - some of the most beautiful, remote, wild places on earth (I know, I've been there).  Well, it certainly pissed of a lot of people, because some of the leases have been taken back.  

According to The Daily Kos, drilling leases near Dinosaur National Monument, Delicate Arch, and Canyonlands National Park have been repealed.  The National Park Service, members of Congress, and a "top official" from Obama's team have all forced the Bureau of Land Management to back down on the leases being offered.  It's a good job so far, but they're really not anywhere near done yet - only 22 leases have been repealed, out of 90 created.  There's still about 130,000 acres open to drilling and mining, and although the BLM's been good so far, they've certainly got some Bushies in there who will not be eager to take back any more leases.  But it's a start, and it shows that we can do something to fight Dubya.

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