Wednesday, November 26, 2008

More Trees, Less Bush

There are 54 days left until January 20, 2009, when Bush is out and Obama is in.  In those 54 days, Dubya can do unimaginable amounts of damage to the environment - not that these last 8 years have been particularly nice, either.  But there's still so much for him to do; so many rules to loosen, so much land to open to drilling and logging and mining.

In this blog, I hope to spread news about Dubya's latest moves against the environment.  The more people that know about it, the more opposition that can be marshaled, and, who knows - maybe the Environmental Protection Agency will grow a pair and block some of Bush's more obviously damaging moves.

I have provided an extensive list of blogs, mostly related to the environment.  Some of them have news stories, like TreeHugger and Triple Pundit.  Others are about the latest and best environmentally-friendly products, like EcoFriend and Got2BeGreen.  I also provided links to liberal-politics blogs like The Daily Kos and The Huffington Post because they often carry environmental stories, on top of anything else political.  I highly recommend you all check out some of those blogs - they have some really interesting stories!

I would welcome anybody who wants to join the blog.  I am not exclusive, and I cannot read every bit of news, so membership is open to anyone.  Likewise, I would greatly appreciate any comments you might care to leave (and you don't need to be a member to leave a comment).  The purpose of this blog is to spread environmental awareness and to highlight Bush's environmental damages, so please - read on, leave comments, and if you would care to, join in with your stories!

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